Jennifer S.'s review of Family Legal Resources

Family Legal Resources

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 6/2/2012
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Not happy and want a full refund.
I saw the website while trying to find the proper paper work to start an undisputed custody settlement. It made sense that it would be less just for the paperwork to be prepared. I talked to David and he reassured me that the 100 dollars would be used towards services and someone would call me to go over the details of what would be done next. I filled out the information they requested online and emailed it right away. This was on the afternoon of May 1, 2012. I never recieved a call from my case manager. They next day I kept waitng and waiting and still no call from my case manager. I did however get a few calls from employees there doing the initial interview and when they found out I had already spent the initial 100 they promtly were no longer interested in talking and said "Your case manager should be calling you anytime now." The next morning I looked into the company more, only to see they have several complaints, I then tried calling the company several times unable to get in contact with anyone. Finally deciding that I didn't want to take the chance with them I called and left a voice mail with David stating I wanted a full refund and since no services were given to me I would like to cancel any further services. I then called my bank to prevent them from taking any more money from my account. I also sent an email stating I no longer wanted their "services" and I wanted a full refund. I never recieved a confirmation email that they recieved my intial intake breif, or any contact from them since. I would just like my money back the full 100.00 as I have not recieved even a phone call citing what course of action they would take, no one discussed anything with me, and I feel I am within my rights to demand a full refund. I would not reccoment this company. It is June 2, 2012 and I have not recieved any notification from Family Legal Resources. I have also filed a complaint with the BBB. $100.00 is a lot of money to a military family with 4 children. I need this money so I can use it towards the $1500.00 I now have to spend on a lawyer. I would just like this issue resolved as quickly as possible. Thank you for allowing a place for people to express their own experiences. I feel as though 100 dollars was stolen from me and my family.
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