Kevin M.'s review of Crabb Construction Company, Inc.

Crabb Construction Company, Inc.

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 3/2/2013
. 1
. 0
Not worth the cost
I purchased a Crabbe home within the last two years. This review is being posted to help future residents of the thriving metropolis of Clarksville, TN in making an informed decision about their home purchase. This is a transplant heavy town, especially when considering the large military population. So those new to the area may not have the opportunity to really shop around and find what works for them. What I know about Crabbe Construction homes is that they are large, impressive properties that, at first glance, seem like a great choice. Upon further inspection, to use a crappy analogy, homes, like onions and Shrek, have layers. When you look past the oversized pile of bricks cleverly pieced together to present the illusion of The American Dream you begin to realize what you've gotten into. A huge shell of a home that really misses the mark when you look at it with a magnifying glass. Cents make dollars, ounces make pounds, and a lot of little mistakes eventually add up to a big problem. Is the crooked door that rubs off the paint on the door frame going to make my house collapse in a heap of rubble? No. Will the creaky, wavy section of my wood floor cause a guest to trip and fall forcing me to have fun at their expense? Perhaps. Maybe it's the light switch that makes the weird buzzing noise. The garage door that has decided to stop opening. The drawers that float open as if possessed by the dead. Perhaps the pendant light that seems to be losing it's fight with gravity. None of these issues will have me and my family sleeping under the stars tonight. At the end of the day I'll pick up a hammer, screwdriver, or paintbrush and I'll make my giant onion a beautiful home to raise a family. Would I have rather just sat my butt on the couch with a cold beverage and basked in the glory of the super awesome, well built house I just invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into? You're damn right!
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Hours   Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Phone   (909) 305-2088 Address   5135 Valley Center Avenue
Covina, CA 91724
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