Natalie C.'s review of Equity Choice Management

Equity Choice Management

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 6/10/2015
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Do NOT be skeptical. This is the REAL DEAL!!!!
I want to take the time out to give you a detailed review of my experience with Equity Choice Management. Listen, I think that I have had the WORSE CASE scenario OUT THERE. I’ve owned a home for 5 years. Over that course my husband and I went through some really hard times. We filed Chapter 13 bankruptcy in 2008, hoping that would help. It did but not for long. My husband got laid off twice and our children and I struggled to make payments. We missed some payments on our mortgage, which prompted my mortgage lender to ask for a leave of stay. That means that they wanted to take us out of the protection of our bankruptcy so they could move forward with foreclosure. I was devastated. I’m well known and my pride would not let me just give up. We were told to not make any payments and hold onto the money until our court day 3 months later. Well, 3 months came and they kept pushing our date back. After 9 months of pushing our court date back, my lender, Bank of America, said “nevermind.” They lifted the motion of leave of stay and told us to make payments as usual. We were so happy. But a year later, they came back wanting the money again. And since we held on to those payments, they accrued interest somehow and we did not have the extra. So, BOA wanted to take us to court AGAIN. This time, they said if we didn’t have back payment, (which added up to 22 MONTHS, by the way), then they would move forward with foreclosure. They were so kind to even offer us a payment plan. Pay an extra $600 on top of our $1100 mortgage each month for 12 months. Huh? We could barely pay the $1100. I was so sad. I lost 40 pounds due to stress and me and my husband’s marriage was on the rocks. So my friend talked to me about NACA. We went through the process of NACA. They are a non-profit organization that helps people like me. My husband and I drove 9 hours to Miami for a NACA event. Everything seemed like it was going to be ok! Bank of America was there and willing to help us out. But at the final step, they saw we had a USDA loan. They said they could no longer help us. OMG. I was so devastated. I just knew we were going to lose our house. About 4 days before our court date to make the decision to agree with the payment plan, I was praying. I prayed HARD. I was Googling for help. I saw a lot of people going through the same things. There were lots of programs out there. My mom was searching for me as well and told me to look into Equity Choice Management. I remember seeing that! I was so skeptical. I was hesitant because of all of those scams out there. But what helped me were the testimonials. They were so convincing! They sounded like real situations. I decided to shoot them an email. It was really early in the morning, around 2 a.m. I received one back instantly. I talked with Terena Ziegler the following day. She was so nice! She was confident! She was positive! She gave me hope! She earned my trust instantly. She also assured me that I would not pay ONE PENNY until she came to a resolution with the banks. Listen, this woman worked her butt off to help us. I faxed and emailed everything she asked for. Once we got everything in, she submitted it. Guess what, Bank of America DENIED IT. I was so sad. But Terena was relentless. She said, “Nope. We are NOT giving up. I promise that we will get you approved.” Working with Terena put our court date on hold so I felt like it was worth a shot again. I had to submit a few more things this time. A few weeks later, we were APPROVED. Ya’ll if you have ANY hesitation, I promise that this is the real deal. I am writing this review A YEAR LATER because I wanted to make sure we had no worries. They put the 22 months that we were behind at the rear of the loan and gave us a fresh start! I have been on time with my payments and learned a very valuable lesson about paying my tithes first, mortgage second, and everything else after. Terena, I love you for what you did for us. You are truly an angel on Earth. I have been telling everyone about you. Thank you for providing this service and being so talented at what you do. God bless you!
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