Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 3/19/2010
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Review 3/19/2010
I have done research on this company and have found out a lot of bad things about them. This company has a sister company which is named FIRE International. They are located in Panama City, Panama, but on their website it states that they are located in New York, and they are registered as being in West Palm, Florida. They have closed the office that they have in West Palm, they are just running their sales department from Florida. Everything else is being run from Panama. Kristin Nuss started the company and then married a guy named Gary Smith. He is running the office in Panama and she was running the office in Florida. Gary has taken the company from Kristin, and is now trying to get everyone that was with FIRE to be switched over to FIRE International. I personally would not do business with this company they will scam you out of your money. They tell you one thing and do another. If you try to cancel they will tell you that you have 5 business days, but in reality you need at least 7 business days. They do not count the day they receive your cancellation letter in the mail.
They continue to collect your money and do not do a thing on your account for at least 3 - 6 months, and by then you may be getting sued. And they can not stop that. And if you get sued or your account is turned over to a law firm you are not eligible for a refund (read your contract carefully before signing it - I learned that the hard way). The sales people will tell you that you need to sign the contract online - beware of that.
If you decide to cancel the program by stopping your payment to them, you will receive a nasty call stating that you still owe them the money based on the contract and that they will take you to court. They will continue to call you for about a week and then it will stop. So don't give in to them and make a payment. Just be carefully if you are still doing business with this company or are thinking about doing business with them, you should always do your own research on any company that you get involved with.

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