Raquel C.'s review of Boost Mobile, LLC.

Boost Mobile, LLC.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 7/15/2010
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Review 7/15/2010
Edit: I have no idea why this is showing as a wall of text and not separate paragraphs. First of all, let me say that my complaint about Boost Mobile's customer service isn't about the people, exactly. MOST of the people I've spoken to on the phone have honestly done their best to help me, and having worked customer service, I know that there is only so much they can do. That being said, Boost Mobile's Customer Care is the most HORRIBLE customer service I've ever dealt with. I know that sounds contradictory to what I just said, but let me explain. I've been having problems receiving my text since April. It's not that I don't receive ANY texts, but I will get what is obviously the second half of a text and never get the first half...or I will not get texts that I can tell are from the day before, based on subject matter....or I just won't receive some texts at all, and will later be asked why I never responded to such and such. I finally give Boost's Customer Care a call, some time in May...and they walk me through the handset routine; Main Menu - Settings - Advanced - Connectivity - Master Reset OR Main Menu - Settings - Advanced - Reset Defaults. I'm sure this is sounding very familiar to some of you. So I would call, and they'd manage to fix my texts for the moment. They would ask me to send a text and have the person respond, and if it worked they told me my problem was solved. The longest a fix ever lasted was I think 2 days...the shortest time was less than an hour. As my calls to Boost became more frequent, I would try to explain that I had already called about the same exact problem SEVERAL times, and even though the people had been able to fix it temporarily, I wanted a more PERMANENT fix. But every time they would just want to have me jump through the same hoops and act as if they had done something to fix the problem. Every time they tried to transfer me to tech support (4 times on 2 separate occasions) they would end up disconnecting me. Even after I warned them that it had happened before, and asked specifically that they make sure it NOT happen. It took me 21 phone calls and 5 emails just to get them to actually start looking into my problem. After 21 phone calls and 5 emails they FINALLY opened up a ticket on my account to investigate the problem. And they have still yet to fix my problem. I'm about to file a complaint with the BBB because today my texts stopped working altogether, and I'm finally fed up. But I figured I'd write this review to help others out. Boost's Customer Care gave me the run around for over a month. The first time I emailed them, I got an email a few days later saying that they had tried to contact me but had missed me. Which I believe was a total lie, because the day they claimed to have tried to contact me, I was home ALL day, with both my house phone and cell phone beside me. And all of the 'sorry we missed you' emails invite you to call them back at the Customer Care number. But when you call the Customer Care number, they will tell you that they are a completely different department from the website, and they cannot access the complaint that you sent there. So why on EARTH do the people who work the website recommend you call the Customer Care number? Just trying to pass the buck I guess. Last time I spoke with someone, they tried to tell me the problem was with my handset, basically telling me that the i465 that I bought is known to have problems with texting, and that I should either get a new phone or contact Motorola about fixing mine. Funny, they don't mention that on their website where they advertise the phone... Well, since I bought it more than 90 days ago, Motorola's only option for me was to send it in for repairs that would cost me basically what it would cost to buy a new phone. I honestly don't even believe it's the handset, because I have several friends and family members who have Boost and have been having the same problems. Boost is becoming a joke among us all. Boost Customer Care is a joke, because the system doesn't appear to be set up to actually take care of the customer...or is it that the reps just don't care? They seem very nice on the phone, but maybe they just don't care to go the extra mile... I've worked customer service since I was 16, if I was looking at a customer's account and showed that the customer had called, heck, TEN times, in less than a month, about the same problem, I would have opened a ticket on the account then, or whatever needed to be done. The fact that it took so long, and so much effort on my part, just to get them to INVESTIGATE my problem...well, that's how much Boost Cares.
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Hours   Phone   (888) 266-7848 Address   P.O. Box 54988
Irvine, CA 92618
Website   http://www.boostmobile.com Email   BoostMobileCustomerAssistance@sprint.com
Contact   Loretta Valerio Other  
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