Great job Close Your Own Loan!
Hi Mark The Closer was really great, knew her job well, when in doubt, she called and verified. All Things went well !!! Ohhh, and thanx Mark, for your explaining so much about the things that I didn't understand. Hope I didn't give you any ulcers or headaches... I found out many aspects that didn't I had not ever heard about and since I was a first time borrower, I really appreciated the professionalism of your guidance. Whenever I had doubted a few 'this'-n'-that's',you addressed every doubt in an effective and courteous mannerism. I was greatful that you took time to put the borrowing language of loans into understandable words for a common person's comprehension. Sometimes, I googled the mortgage world terms, but still I wasn't getting the jest of what it all meant. Thanks again on your part of putting it into an understandable perspective. Lastly, I'll tell you this: I don't believe that one could of been any luckier than to have had your expertise of guiding me thru all this menagerie of twists and turns. Throughout this experience, if anyone were to ask on a scale of 1 thru 10 where you stood-I would give an awesome '10' to you Mark!! Thank you very much for your professionalism! Respectfully, Jason Skaggs